6 Best Steps To Know Your Style As A Man

Are you that young man who doesn’t know anything about styling? Are you that man who just wears anything because of the label it has and does not care if it fits your personality or style? Or you are just that young guy who never gets complimented whenever you dress no matter how expensive your outfit costs?

Guess what? It might be that you are going about it the wrong way and stick with me so you can find your style and be that diamond in the dirt in every room you are in.

So these are the top Six (6) steps to take in order for you to know your style as a man:

This is a step-by-step guide on how to find your style and please send a message if you get stuck because I am always ready and willing to help.


Self-assessment is the first step you will be taking in order for you to know your style as a man, I want you to know that finding your style is all about you, and no one else, you are the main character in this movie and the focus is YOU.
So now you know that you are the main character, you have to answer these questions because they say “Heavy is the head that wears the crown ” LOL. So you have to answer these two questions :

  • What are your preferences?
  • What is your personality and style?

1. What are your preferences?

To answer this question you really have to take notes of the colors you are naturally drawn to, You have to really access yourself to know the color palette you love and you will love to always step out in.

Do you prefer muted tones, vibrant shades, or a mix? Let me expand on that:

1. MUTED TONES: Muted tones as the name implies are not shouty and vibrant but calm. Muted colors are a popular choice in fashion as they offer a more neutral and restrained appearance, creating a sense of sophistication and tranquility. Unlike their vibrant counterparts, muted colors have a low saturation level, giving them a duller and more subdued or gray appearance.

Here are some examples of muted colors in fashion:

  • Greige: A muted shade of gray that has a touch of brown.
  • Dusty Rose: A muted shade of pink that is desaturated and muted.
  • Sage Green: A muted shade of green that is soft and calming.
  • Taupe: A muted shade of brown that is versatile and understated.
  • Soft Summer Colors: Soft Summer is a muted and cool color palette that contains highly desaturated, grayed-out colors that would make other color seasons look washed out.

These colors are often used in clothing, such as jackets, pants, sweaters, shirts, accessories, etc.

2. VIBRANT SHADES: Vibrant shades as the name also implies are shouty and more eye-catchy. Vibrant shades are bold and eye-catching colors that have high saturation levels, making them bright and vivid. Vibrant shades are often used in clothing, such as dresses, shirts, pants, shoes, bags, and accessories.

Here are some examples of vibrant shades in fashion:

  • Fuchsia: A bright and bold shade of pink that is eye-catching and playful.
  • Electric Blue: A bright and bold shade of blue that is vibrant and energetic.
  • Canary Yellow: A bright and bold shade of yellow that is cheerful and sunny.
  • Cherry Red: A bright and bold shade of red that is bold and passionate.
  • Emerald Green: A bright and bold shade of green that is rich and luxurious.

This color is often used in clothing like shirts, pants, jackets, shoes, bags, and accessories.

3. MIX : Mix is basically combining both muted tones and vibrant shades. A mixed color palette in fashion refers to the combination of different colors that complement and build off one another to create a cohesive and harmonious outfit. The mix color palette is often used to create a versatile wardrobe with many options for pairing colors together.

Still, in the self-assessment topic, I would like you to think about patterns and textures. Are you inclined toward classic solids, stripes, checks, or textured fabrics?

  • Classic Solids: Classic solids refer to clothing that is made from a single color fabric, such as black, white, navy, or gray. These colors are timeless and versatile and can be paired with other patterns and textures to create a cohesive look.
  • Stripes: Stripes are a pattern in fashion that consists of lines of different colors or widths. Stripes can be horizontal or vertical and can be used in various clothing items, such as shirts, dresses, and pants.
  • Checks: Checks are a pattern in fashion that consists of squares of different colors or sizes. Checks can be used in various clothing items, such as blazers, skirts, and pants.
  • Textured Fabrics: Textured fabrics are materials that have a unique surface feel or appearance due to the way the threads are woven together. Examples of textured fabrics include tweed, corduroy, and velvet.

In this step, I want you to Consider your favorite clothing items. Are you more comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt, do you enjoy dressing up in suits or both?

2. What is your Personality and Lifestyle?

Your personality is one of the key aspects of knowing your style, again you are the main character. One major thing I personally love about fashion, styling, and being fashionable is that I get to be the main character. Your fashion style says a lot about YOU, so keep it all about you and don’t copy anyone but you can always learn and improve from people who have the same personality as you.

So I want you to really reflect on your personality traits. Are you outgoing and extroverted, or do you lean towards introversion? And again, please make it about you King.

Your style can align with your personality. Extroverts may embrace bolder, attention-grabbing looks for example using vibrant shades, while introverts might opt for subtler choices for example muted tones.

Think about how your style can amplify your personality. If you’re adventurous, perhaps incorporating unique pieces into your wardrobe reflects that.

Lifestyle and Activities:

Analyze your daily routine. Do you have a casual, office-based job, or is your work more formal and corporate?

Consider your hobbies and interests. If you’re into sports, outdoor activities, or art, your style might reflect those passions.

Think about social gatherings. Do you attend formal events frequently, or are you more involved in casual get-togethers with friends?

In order to know your style as a man, you have to go through all these steps to thoroughly assess yourself, and while assessing yourself make it about you and you alone. By going through these steps I know you passed the assessment step and I want to say CONGRATULATIONS KING.


When it comes to discovering your own style, seeking style inspiration from style icons, fashionistas, and your favorite celebrities is very important. Stay with me so I can explain further.

I know the question you would ask yourself now is why should I seek Inspiration from a celebrity in order to know your style as a man? The answer is you like them, whether you like it or not the celebrities you like and have passion for their craft impact a lot in you consciously and subconsciously, so seek inspiration from your favorite celebrity or fashion icon that you like his style and also which his style matches your personality.

Also because they have more money to spend on clothing, they can buy so many things that you won’t be willing to buy because you might buy it and end up not liking it and that will just be a waste of money, so why not instead of watching their videos every day and making money for them, try to leverage them and make them your own runway models. You can do this by following these steps :

  1. Start by researching fashion icons, celebrities, or influencers whose style you genuinely admire. This could be someone from the past or a contemporary figure. Look for style icons that align with your personal preferences and resonate with your desired style direction.
    Study their outfits closely. Pay attention to the details, such as clothing combinations, color palettes, and accessories. Take note of their signature pieces or looks that stand out. What elements of their style appeal to you the most?
  2. While analyzing their style, identify specific elements that resonate with your own fashion sensibilities. These could include:
    Color choices: Do they gravitate towards neutrals, bold colors, or a particular color scheme?
    Clothing items: Are there specific garments they frequently wear, like blazers, leather jackets, or sneakers?
    Accessories: Notice the role of accessories, such as watches, sunglasses, or hats, in completing their looks.
  3. Occasion-specific style: Observe how they adapt their style for different occasions, from casual outings to formal events. Collect images and create an inspiration board. You can do this digitally using platforms like Pinterest or Instagram. While drawing inspiration from style icons, remember that the goal is not to mimic their style entirely but to adapt and personalize it.
  4. Incorporate elements of their style that align with your self-assessment and preferences. This allows you to create a unique style that feels genuine to you Don’t be afraid to experiment with new looks based on your style icons’ influence. Style is dynamic, and your tastes may evolve over time. Keep exploring and refining your style to make it truly your own.


In this step, you will have to examine your current wardrobe by physically going through your drawers, storage spaces, and closets, and take inventory of all your clothing items. As you examine each piece, consider how often you wear it and how it makes you feel. Are there items you genuinely enjoy wearing?

Make note of the items that consistently make you feel confident and comfortable. These are the pieces that align with your personal style.
Pay attention to recurring colors and styles in your wardrobe. Are there specific colors that dominate your clothing choices? Do you tend to gravitate towards casual, formal, or eclectic styles?

Once you’ve assessed your current wardrobe, consider building a capsule wardrobe: A capsule wardrobe consists of a small, thoughtfully selected collection of timeless, versatile pieces. These items form the core of your style. Ensure that the pieces you choose can be easily mixed and matched to create various outfits.

Make it a habit to periodically review your wardrobe. This can be done seasonally or whenever you feel the need for a refresh. During these assessments, evaluate each item’s relevance. If you haven’t worn a piece in a long time or it no longer aligns with your style, consider parting with it. Remove items from your wardrobe that you no longer wear or need. Consider donating, selling, or recycling them. A decluttered wardrobe simplifies your style choices, makes it easier to access the pieces you truly love, and also makes it easier to know your style as a man


After rearranging your wardrobe now is the time to really know your body size and shape, because the main purpose of knowing your style is to look stylish and look outstanding while at home and especially when you step out, and this can never be possible without knowing your current size and shape. Being aware of your body size and shape is a pivotal aspect for you to actually know your style

It’s important to recognize and understand your unique body shape and size, as this can greatly influence how certain clothes look on you. you really don’t want to wear something too tight or small and you definitely don’t want to wear something too big, it takes away the aesthetics. Of course, there’s an oversized style for street wear and even jackets but you still have to know your size in order to know what is oversized to you. Understanding your body type helps you make more informed fashion choices and feel confident in your clothing.

Consider investing in tailored clothing, which is custom-fitted to your body measurements. Tailored garments are designed to fit you perfectly, enhancing your overall appearance and comfort. Whether it’s a well-fitted suit, a tailored dress, or custom-made pants, these pieces can elevate your style and boost your confidence.

So to know your size, you can have your personal measuring tape for you to measure and know your current size before ordering, also if you go shopping in person, test and make sure that it is perfectly fitted on your body, also Move your body to see how comfortable it is.


After going through the steps to actually know your style as a man, don’t hesitate to experiment with your new style or idea, just like everything in life you start with a step and before you know it, you get better and better at it, so visit clothing stores or browse the online shops to discover different pieces relating to your style. Experiment by trying on various clothing items to see how they look and feel on you. By exploring different styles, you can find what resonates with your personal tastes and preferences.

Every now and then, challenge yourself by stepping outside your fashion comfort zone. Be daring and open to trying bold and unconventional clothing choices.
Taking these fashion risks can lead to exciting discoveries and help you refine your personal style. Remember, fashion is a form of self-expression, and taking risks can be a fun and rewarding part of the style journey.


Confidence is the most important accessory you can wear. Confidence is a crucial element of your personal style. No matter what you wear, carrying it with confidence can make a significant difference in how you are perceived. Knowing your personal and unique style can never be complete without being confident.

Confidence is when you embrace Your Style and your unique style choices with pride. Your style is an expression of your personality and individuality, so wear it confidently.

Confidence has the power to elevate any outfit. When you feel good about what you’re wearing, it shows, others will notice your self-assured presence, and they will commend you for putting in all the hard work to know your style as a man

Remember, confidence is your secret weapon in the world of fashion. It can make even the simplest outfits stand out and leave a lasting impression. So, wear your style with pride and walk with confidence; it’s the key to looking and feeling stylish.

These guidelines serve as your style compass, especially if you’re new to the fashion game. However, as you grow more confident in your fashion choices, don’t hesitate to bend or even break these rules. Start with the basics, and when you’re feeling fashionably adventurous, inject your own unique flair. It’s all about finding your style groove and owning it.

You can also check out my previous blog post on

10 Easy & Simple Ways For Men to Look More Stylish

6 Best Steps To Know Your Style As A Man

The Best Guide On How to Find The Serial Number On A WristWatch


Anthony Star, is the Editor and Chief Content Creator for Anthonystar.com. He is a luxury marketing expert, writer, an affiliate marketer and a pioneer in web publishing. I am a graduate of philosophy and I have been into luxury for so long.


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